All manuscripts submitted to Damray are peer reviewed prior to publication. The suitability of each manuscript is assessed by the journal’s editorial board and refereed critically by two or more reviewers. The editor reserves the right to reject or to return the manuscript to the author(s) for additional changes. The reviewer should provide a review report using the following guidelines:
Peer reviewers should provide the Editor-in-Chief with a recommendation regarding the suitability of the manuscript for publication. They can recommend that the manuscript should be accepted for publication with revisions (“revise and resubmit”), accepted without revisions, or rejected. For single blinded peer review, reviewer’s identity will not be revealed to the authors. Reviewers are asked to judge the quality of the research reported objectively and respect the intellectual independence of the authors. In no case is personal criticism appropriate.
At Damray, we would like to show our appreciation of reviewers’ work in following ways: